Tailored solutions for private equity professionals
Providing you with a bespoke, comprehensive financial plan to help you achieve your goals and aspirations.

Our expertise in private markets specialises in helping professionals in the private equity and venture capital industry manage their complex personal financial affairs –
– affording them time to focus on creating value in their personal and professional lives.
We work together with our clients in a partnership that allows us to complement their expertise, through a carefully managed service.

Our accomplished team of wealth advisors are singularly focused on getting to know your priorities, aspirations, and goals.
Understanding and keeping up-to-date with UK tax regulations can be complex and time consuming. We help our clients by structuring their finances tax efficiently.
With access to a dedicated Tax and Technical team and the Technical Connection division at St. James’s Place, we are well equipped to devise intelligent tax-efficient investment programmes and help ensure these remain relevant with changing legislation.
As a wealth management firm, we carefully consider the tax consequences of dividends, income, and capital gains for each client’s portfolio. The tax planning strategies we use include:
- Matching tax-generating assets with tax-efficient accounts
- Offsetting gains with losses whenever appropriate
- Using tax-exempt and tax-advantaged investments as warranted
- Closely monitoring the after-tax return on your investments and reporting taxable distributions to your accountant
Tax-aware investing can significantly contribute to the long-term growth of a portfolio.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.
As part of our wealth management offering, we can refer you to a range of solutions that have been developed specifically for our clients with more specialist banking and lending requirements. These solutions include;
- Exclusive mortgage products and rates
- Investment-backed lending
- Cash management solutions
- Foreign currency exchange services
Your adviser will work with the SJP Private Clients team to understand both your current and future needs as well as your servicing preferences, in order to create a solution to your individual circumstances.
Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.
These enquiries will be referred to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.
Providing you with a plan that is modelled and stress-tested based on your individual cashflow, which demonstrates how you can gradually move out of work or generate partial income.
Pension contributions become complex particularly with a higher level of income, but we can advise on capitalising on tax-efficient pension savings, including how best to use carry forward, in the event that you have surplus funds to contribute, or are restarting contributions (for example, with the removal of the Lifetime Allowance/LTA).
Many employers contribute to your pension on your behalf at rates far exceeding the statutory amount – particularly at a higher level of seniority. We can advise on capitalising on these contributions, as well as maximising your own, based on a tax-efficient strategy that looks ahead to the level of pension funds you may need in retirement.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.
Our service draws together the skills and experience of three organisations, each specialising in international investment related services. Together, Rowan Dartington*, Apollo Private Wealth and Credit Suisse are uniquely placed to manage your offshore investments – as well as all of the complex requirements for custody and administration of non-domicile portfolios, whilst remaining compliant with all relevant legislation.
Read more about advice for UK Resident Non-Domiciled individuals.
*Rowan Dartington is the discretionary fund management and stockbroking arm of St. James’s Place, and provides a range of additional, complementary wealth management services.
The value of an investment may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
These enquiries may be referred to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.
With our expert knowledge around inheritance tax (IHT) we can help structure your financial positions, remuneration, retirement planning, protection and business exits, in a way that could mitigate your IHT liability, helping you to pass more of your wealth on to your descendants, and to charitable causes.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances.
Exit strategies may include the referral to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.
Including tax and trust experts, legal advisers, and other professional services.
These enquiries may be referred to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James’s Place.
Helping fund your GP commitments
The requirement from investors that general partners have some skin in the game in the funds they manage is a perfectly reasonable one. But with such large sums at stake, younger private equity professionals often don’t have sufficient liquid assets available to meet their share of this co-investment requirement, unlike their more senior colleagues who are more likely to be able to fund this from their own savings or balance sheets.
International private equity executives
Our service for UK resident non-domiciled individuals brings together the skills and experience of three organisations, each specialising in international investment-related services. Together, St. James’s Place Discretionary Investment team, Apollo Private Wealth and Credit Suisse are uniquely placed to manage your offshore investments – as well as all the complex requirements for custody and administration of UK resident non-domiciled individuals’ portfolios, whilst remaining compliant with all relevant legislation.
Specialist banking and lending for private equity professionals
We specialise in securing lending terms for private equity professionals with complex remuneration structures, often which high street lenders fail to understand. We work with specialist lenders who assess each mortgage application personally, looking at the client’s holistic picture, including bonuses, carried interest and vesting stock.

Seeking a tailored financial strategy?
Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced advisers to comprehensively assess and map out your specific financial requirements.
This personalised meeting is an opportunity to delve into your unique financial situation, discuss your goals, and develop a tailored strategy that aligns precisely with what you need for achieving your long-term financial aspirations.